Laparoscopic Neovagina to treat MRKH / Vaginal Agenesis
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome, also known as MRKH, is a condition when the uterus and vaginal canal do not form properly, a condition also called VAGINAL AGENESIS. A MRKH patient is a genetic female with normal female chromosomes and normal ovaries, and therefore develops normal external female characteristics including breasts and normal appearing external vulva and vagina. She has the physical appearance of a woman because she is a woman!! However secondary to the condition, the uterus and vaginal canal do not form properly and the condition is typically diagnosed around the age of puberty when the patient does not have her menstrual cycle. Examination and studies at this time typically reveals the lack of a vaginal canal or a very short one that would not tolerate intercourse. The diagnosis is one that is very difficult for many young women emotionally to handle, however the good news is that there are treatment options to allow MRKH patients to achieve full vaginal length and a normal sexual life as well. Reproductive technologies also allow these women to have their own biologic children eventually if they so choose.
Dr. Robert D. Moore and Dr. John R. Miklos also treat patients with Vaginal Shortening and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). Vaginal shortening can be caused by either congenital reasons or may be secondary to complications of pelvic/vaginal surgery including hysterectomy, scarring from prolapse surgery or hysterectomy. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) is a similar condition to MRKH, in which the vaginal canal does not develop secondary to hormonal and chromosomal reasons. It is much more rare than MRKH, however has similar treatment options.
Dr. Moore and Dr. Miklos are internationally renowned laparoscopic pelvic reconstructive surgeons who are board certified in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery and specialize in the Laparoscopic Creation of a Neovagina in women born without a vagina or in women that have had surgical complications that has significantly shortened the vagina. This approach is one of the least invasive and safest approaches to create a vagina with the fastest recovery time and success rates over 95%. The procedure creates a full-length vagina immediately using the patients own lining of the pelvis. At their specialty center in Atlanta and Beverly Hills, they complete more laparoscopic vaginal surgery than any other center in the United States and are worldwide leaders in the research of the field of vaginal reconstructive and MRKH surgery. Their Center also offers a full level of support for young women diagnosed with MRKH including programs for mothers and daughters, educational videos and seminars, confidential counseling for patients and families, post-operative care, counseling and support.
To read more about MRKH and the surgical procedure Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore perform, click here.